Dahanu (Maharashtra) saw 36.0°c (+8°) on 2nd January. This was the highest daytime temperature ever recorded in January for Dahanu.
As the W.D. winds blew, the daytime temperature in Dahanu on 4th January plummeted to 26.9°c (-1°c) !
Extreme Weather events and Records will be the main theme of this blog..
Aug 10 2020
The city on Sunday surpassed its annual average rainfall of 2,514mm, despite little rain over the weekend. Mumbai received 2,526mm rain from June 1 to August 9, with 50 more days for the season to end on September 30.
Last year, the city had crossed its annual mean tally on August 25 and received 3,670.2 mm rain over four months. In 2018, Mumbai had not crossed the annual average rainfall mark, with 2,239.6mm rain from June to September. In 2017, the city had recorded 2,946.3mm rain in the entire season.
Mumbai Colaba May 10 highest Max
Mumbai ScruzMarch Max
Mumbai Scruz April Maximum Records
Pune May Max 10 highest
Scruz May minimum
May Minimum analysis for Mumbai: Mumbai Santa Cruz: May...Avg Normal ➡26.3 °C...Highest Normal 28.9c in 2002 |
Lowest Minimum ➡ 20.2°C ..12-5-1985
Highest Minimum ➡30.2 °C... 31-5-2015Posted 8th Wednesday Morning:
Continuing from yesterday's post...the rainfall amounts as on 8th morning from Goa, south Konkan and South Maharshtra
Karad AWS 106 mms
Vengurla AWS 78mm
Panhala 74 mms
Ratnagiri 30 mm
Solapur 28 mm
Karad 50 mm
Margao 103 mm
Dabolim 104 mm
Panaji 99.4 mm
Mormugao 60.4 mm
Mapusa 44 mm
On 8th November 1888,"Titanic of Gujarat" sank off the coast of Saurashtra in a cyclonic storm during a crossing from Mandvi to Bombay. The SS Vaitarna Ship which was owned by A. J. Shepherd & co, Bombay and was also known as Vijli or Haji Kasam Ni Vijli. The name Vijli was given after its appearance as the ship was decked up with many electric bulbs. The ship started its service in year 1885 and was captained by Kasam Ibrahim also known as Haji Kasam. The ship operated to ferry people between Mandvi and Bombay (now Mumbai). The ferry took 30 hours to travel from Mandvi to Bombay at a fare of Rs 8. During the incident, there were around 1300 people on board which included thirteen wedding parties and several students who headed for Bombay to appear in the matriculation examination of Bombay University in December. Later on, during the inquiry it was found that ship was not well equipped and was not build to operate in the stormy weather. Till date, no shipwreck is found making it to be mystery in the pages of history. However the RMS Titanic sank off after 24 years of this incident.